At A Glance

Srizony Foundation, a national Socio-economic development organization, has been working in the field of livelihood,  health, education, sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, family planning, savings & credit, social forestation, fish culture, poultry & livestock, human rights &  good governess, Community Radio Program and other development activities since 1985 with a view to socio-economic development and human rights establishment of the poverty-stricken underprivileged people. Srizony Foundation believes that human beings are both subject and object of the development process as the people have the enormous potentiality to change their distressed situation. Srizony Foundation maintains a participatory and bottom-up development approach in its activities. Srizony Foundation always gives the highest priority to the needs of the poor and is undertaking different development programs day by day responding the needs of the poor with the changing situation. Srizony Foundation works all over the country with its 2540 capable, potential and committed staff.

Affiliation of the Organization:

Name of Organization Location
Association for Development Agencies in Bangladesh (ADAB) Dhaka, Bangladesh
Association for Land Reformed Development (ALRD) Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Asian Health Institute Foundation (AHI) Tokyo, Japan
Credit and Development Forum (CDF) Dhaka, Bangladesh
Centre for Women and Children Studies (CWCS) Dhaka. Bangladesh
The Communicating For Advocacy (CFA) Dhaka. Bangladesh
Disable Development Association in Bangladesh (DDAB) Jhenidah, Bangladesh
Environment Liaison Centre International (ELCI) Nairobi-Kenya
Forum for Regenerative Agricultural Movement (FoRAM) Dhaka, Bangladesh
National STD, HIV/Aids Network Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD) Dhaka, Bangladesh
Network for Alternative Development of Extreme Poor (NADEP) Dhaka, Bangladesh
Voluntary Health Services Society (VHSS) Dhaka, Bangladesh
Campaign for Good Governance (Supro) Dhaka, Bangladesh
Global Applied Research Network for Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and environment (GARNET-SA) Dhaka, Bangladesh
Habitat Council Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Eco-Social Trust (BEST) Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Solar & Renewable Energy Association (BSREA) Dhaka, Bangladesh

Management aspect:

  • A General Committee (GC) consists of 18 members
  • An Advisory Committee consists of 7 members
  • An Executive Committee (EC) comprises 7 members
  • An Executive Office Headed by Executive Director

 Staff Strength:

SL. No. Type of staff Nos. of staff
Male Female Total
01 Administrative staff 62 41 103
02 Operation staff 1710 411 2121
03 Service staff 83 107 190
04 Volunteers 87 39 126
                                                                 Total 1942 598 2540

 Ongoing Projects:

  • Protection of Working Children(PWC)
  • Second Chance Education (SCE) Program
  • Basic Literacy Project – 64 Districts
  • Low-Cost Housing Project
  • Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Households towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH)
  • Cultural and Sports Program
  • Uplifting the Quality of the Lives of the Elderly People Program
  • Community radio Program, “ Radio Jhenuk”
  • Micro Finance Program
  • Mini-grid Project
  • Solar Irrigation Pumping System
  • Improve Cook Stove
  • Disabled Rehabilitation Project
  • Srizony Hospital Program
  • Human Rights and Good Governance
  • Adolescent Program
  • Social Afforestation
  • Urban Primary Health Care Service Delivery Project
  • Srizony Offset Printers & Publication
  • Srizony Development Center
  • Remittance Transfer Program
  • Disaster Management Program
  • Safe drinking water and sanitation Program

 Present Donor/Partner Agencies:

·        Asian Development Bank (ADB)
·        Bureau of Non-formal Education
·        World Bank & GOB
·        UNDP
·        Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)
·        Department for International Development (DFID)
·        Canadian International Development Agency(CIDA)
·        United Nation Fund  for Population(UNFPA)
·        European Union & Ministry of Land, Govt of Bangladesh
·        Bangladesh Bank
·        Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (IDCOL)
·        National Disabled Development Foundation
·        NGO Forum for Drinking Water & Sanitation
·        Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
·        Credit and Development Forum (CDF)
·        German Technical Cooperation (gtz)
·        Schneider Electric Foundation
·        Japan Bank for International Cooperation

 Past Donor/Partner Agencies:

·        AVRDC-USAID
·        Bilance- Netherlands
·        CARE-Bangladesh
·        CDB-FAO-EU (Cotton IPM)
·        CIDA
·        Cordaid-Netherlands
·        IFAD
·        IFADEP-SP-2
·        Islamic Relief
·        OXFAM-GB
·        Proshika
·        RSDN
·        World Food Program (WFP)
·        World Fish Center
·        Vaste Nacte
·        Dhaka Ahasania Mission (DAM)
·        BASIC Bank
·        Sonali Bank
·        Abilis Foundation


Present Portfolio of Microfinance Program

1 Total number of Branch Offices 80
Microfinance Branch 76
Specialized Enrich Branch 1
2 Total number of Villages 1898
3 Total number of Upazila / Thana 64
4 Total number of Districts (All Districts in Bangladesh) 16
5 Total number of active groups
(Function as a collection center) – Primary 7432
6 Total number of Member (end of the month) 100.00% 69753
Total General Savers 99.17% 69174
Primary Loan 83.00% 57895
Special Loan 5.00% 3488
Enrich 2% 1395
SME Loan 7% 4883
Housing 1.5% 1046
Biogas Loan 1.5% 1046
Member (Borrower) without regular savings 0.78% 544
Member without loan & savings 0.5% 349
7 Number of Long-Term Savers A/C  on active borrowers 33552
8 Total Number of Capital Buildup Savings Account 102726
9 Savings balance (end of the month) 299617883
Primary Loan 35.40% 106064730
Special Loan 7.10% 21272870
ENRICH 2% 5992358
SME Loan 7% 20973252
Hoising Loan 1.5% 4494268
Biogas 1.5% 4494268
Regular Savings: 45.5% 136326137
Long-Term Savings     : 28.6% 8569071454
Capital Build up Savings  : 6.48% 19415239
10 Total Number of Active Borrowers 44249
11 Total Number of active Loans Member (end of the month) 40267
Primary Loan 90.64% 36498
Special Loan 5.16% 2078
ENRICH 3.01% 1212
SME Loan 0.13% 53
 Biogas Loan 0.00% 0
Housing Loan 0.00% 0
Others Loan 1.06% 429
12 Loan Outstanding (with service charge) : 1278754400
Disbursed (cumulative)
Realized (cumulative)
13 Loan Outstanding (Principal) : 1141745000
14 Rate of Recovery (cumulative) 99.63%
15 Rate of Recovery (ongoing loan) 95.23%
16 PAR (%) 1 day (as per MRA Circular 53 & 54) 3.71%
17 PAR (%) > 30 days (as per MRA Circular 53 & 54) 3.56%
18 Total Number of LO & ABM (LO 15,256+ABM 3,015) as per AMMS report 435
19 Total Number of Staff: (MF: Male-21,984, Female-2,979 & Non-Microfinance staff-1,509 ) 482