Brief Description of Agriculture Development ongoing projects:


Sustainable Agriculture Development Project

This is one of the core projects of Srizony Foundation. Since 1992 Srizony Foundation has been implementing this project with the financial assistance of PKSF, Mutual Trust Bank Ltd and its Own Fund. The working areas of the project are   Jhenidah, Jessore, Kushtia, Magura, Chuadanga, Narail, Meherpur, Khulna, Pabna, Satkhira, Faridpur district. The main components of the project are capacity building of the farmers, credit support, assist them in marketing their products etc.   At present 25259 farmers are beneficiaries of the Projects. since 1992,  259745 farmers are benefited from the Projects. A total of BDT. 2194200000 have been disbursed among the beneficiaries.


 Stall feeding of Black Bengal Goat:

Srizony Foundation has been working with the Livestock program since 1992, like goat rearing and goat fattening. From October 2006, Srizony Foundation started this project “Stall Feeding on Black Bengal Goat under Livestock Sector” in three upazilla (Jhenidah Sadar, Horinakundu and Kaligonj) of Jhenidah District. Winrock International gives technical and financial support for implementing the project. Improved technologies and best practices to rearing Black Bengal Goat in the working areas with NARS adopted technology on goat rearing. Feeding, breeding management and other types of informative/technologies have been  introduced for maximizing benefits from goat rearing by poor farmers of project in the targeted areas. Objective of the subproject: Technology transfer; Contact production promotion; Capacity building; and Human Resource Development for program implementation.

Implementation strategy includes ; Supporting Stakeholders Initiatives; Partnership;NARS technology involvement; Value Chain management; Demand-led product; Poverty focused; BDS market development approach participatory management;and Blending Technical and social science. Major activities includes Bench Mark survey; Provide Training; Demonstration of Technology; Field days arrange etc.

Culture of Thai Koi in Ponds in Sadar Upazila under Jhenidah District

Srizony Foundation started the projects in September 2008 in Jhenidah Sadar upazila. Koi is a very favorite fish species of all kinds of people. But it is only produced naturally in beel, haour, and canals.  It can be cultured in the pods. It has a great demand and high market value. It can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. So if we culture the Thai Koi in the ponds, fish production will increase and can contribute to our national economy.

Objective of the projects: 

  • To transfer the technology at the roots level
  • To build up awareness among the selected beneficiaries
  • To increase the production of Thai Koi
  • To develop the culture system of Thai Koi
  • To solve the unemployment problem
  • To strengthen national economy through earning foreign currency

Semi-intensive Bengal Goat Production through Improved Management:

Srizony Foundation has been working with livestock sector since 1992, like goat rearing and goat fattening. From October 2008, Srizony Foundation started this project at Chuadanga Sadar upazila in the Chuadanga district. Agricultural Technology Transfer (ATT) Project provided technical and financial support in joint collaboration with Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council (BARC), Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). Improved technologies and best practices to rearing Black Bengal Goat in the working areas Chuadanga district with NARS adopted technology on goat rearing have been introduced. Feeding, breeding management and other types of informative/technologies have also been introduced for maximizing benefits from  goat rearing by poor farmers of the project in the targeted areas. The objective of the project is Technology transfer, Capacity builds up of the human resources through training, motivation & input supply, increase production and BDS Market development in the program implementing areas.

Major activities include Training; Demonstration of Technology; Field days arrange; Prepare IEC and other activities related to the project. Through this project, Srizony Foundation is hopeful for a positive impact on society. A total of 75 farmers received training on Intensive methods of Bengal Goat Rearing, 2 workshop completed with the participant of Govt. stakeholders development activists, LGI representatives, farmers etc. Supply inputs, supplementary feeds, vaccines, de-worming tablets and other medications they needed. Through the project build up a fine network between the farmers and the Upazila and district livestock offices.


Brief Description of Agriculture Development completed projects:


NGO Gardening and Nutrition Education Surveillance Project (NGNESP):

Srizony Foundation has been implementing the project NGO Gardening and Nutrition Education Surveillance Project (NGNESP)” by the support of Helen Keller International. A team of well-trained staff of Srizony Foundation are involved in implementing this project. In 1997.  Srizony Foundation started this project by the funding and technical support of Helen Keller International for the targeted people. The goal of the project is to sustainable reduce vitamin ‘A’ deficiency through the promotion of production and consumption of vitamin ‘A’ rich fruits and vegetables. To achieve this goal, 6 central nurseries in 6 Upazilas under Jhenidah districts and 480 gram nurseries in 195 villages were established through the project which benefited the members of 27000 target families and have been provided group leadership training and accordingly they are involved in implementing the project High yielding vegetable seeds and multipurpose saplings have been given to the beneficiaries. So, for a total of 101250 beneficiaries of 6 upazila have been covered under the programs.

The project completed in April 2002


Homestead Gardening:

Since 1998 Srizony Foundation has been started the homestead gardening activities among the guardians of the learners in order to ensure vegetable consumption and nutrition intake. Under this program several homestead gardens have been established by the target group beneficiaries. Srizony Foundation has been providing training, seeds and technical support in all of the three Upazilas.


Mentionable here that Srizony Foundation has been implementing it’s agriculture programs including central nurseries, gram nurseries and homestead gardening with the financial and technical assistance of HKI, MCC, AVRD-USAID, WFP and IFADEP-SP 2, CARE and CORDAID, Srizony Foundation will extend it’s agriculture programs in other program areas.


Tree plantation and fish pond re-excavation /: Rural Development Programme (WFP)


The program has been implementing by the support of the World Food Programme (WFP) since 1991.  This programme comprises of Road-side Tree Plantation and derelict pond re-excavation programs. Srizony Foundation has planted 192,000 trees on 192 Km roadside through the program. It re-excavated 36 derelict ponds and after a total number of 1049 group members are involved in fish culture in these developed ponds. The project completed in 2001.


Livestock and Poultry Project:

Srizony Foundation has been implementing the Livestock and Poultry Project since 1995 by the technical and financial support of WINROCK and MCC – Bangladesh. Srizony Foundation provides training and loan to 1467 beneficiaries so far. The aid of this project is to reduce malnutrition among beneficiaries especially women and children in Bangladesh. The project completed in 1998



AVRDC-USAID, Bangladesh Project:

Srizony Foundation has launched this project in 1998. Under this project Srizony Foundation has implemented the on-firm demonstration, adaptive trials, pilot project, homestead gardening, training to trainers, training to beneficiaries, exchange visit of farmers, field days and other related activities applied new technologies.

By the active support of the AVRDC-USAID Bangladesh project, the beneficiaries got adequate knowledge on summer tomatoes, winter okra, watermelon, insect resistance brinjal, off-season cultivation of cauliflower, and radish during Kharif and others varieties which created a new dimension or the new vegetable technology for the beneficiaries. Cultivated farmers are also economically benefited from product varieties.

250 homestead garden and 136 demonstration plots of Kharif-1 and 700 homestead gardens and 40 demonstration plots of Kharif-11 with the financial and technical assistance of AVRDC-USAID, Bangladesh. The project completed in 1999


Small Scale Goat Farming:

Small Scale Goat Farming (1999 – 2001) is a pilot project under ATTP assisted by PROSHIKA. It is a new and innovative project for Srizony Foundation. Srizony Foundation started this project in Sadar Thana of Magura district. A number of 20 beneficiaries are involved in this project with a view to generate income and employment opportunities for the poor women.


IFFD Programme:

In 2001 Srizony Foundation has planted 11000 saplings (timber wood) by the roadside of 11 Km. This project is being implemented with the financial and technical assistance of CARE-Bangladesh. The project completed in 2002.


CAGES (Cage Aquaculture for Greater Economic Security) Project:

This program (1995 – 2003) is being implemented by the assistance of CARE-Bangladesh. The objective of the program is to provide technical support on cages aquaculture to marginal farmers. The project is implementing in Moheshpur Upazila of Jhenaidah and Sadar Upazila of Magura district. 107 nets were given to 57 project beneficiaries for undertaking fish culture in cages on open water.


Inter-fish (Integrated Rice and Fish) Project:

 By the technical support of CARE-Bangladesh, Srizony Foundation started Inter-fish Project in 1998. This project was a new intervention for Srizony Foundation as well as for the target group (beneficiaries). Up-to-date 125 beneficiaries are implementing the Inter-fish Project i.e. fish culture in the paddy field in 10 acres of land. The project completed in 2000


BREAD Project:


Srizony Foundation started this project in 1999 with the financial and technical assistance of WINROCK-MCC. Near about 3050 beneficiaries received skill development training under this project on vegetable cultivation, poultry rearing, fish culture  and seed production & preservation. The project completed in 2000


District Partnership Initiative Fund (DPIF):


Srizony Foundation in a partnership of Palli Dustha Mohila Samity (PDMS) has started the project entitled “New and Modern Technology Transfer and year Round Homestead Vegetable Gardening’’ in Magura sadar upazila under District Partnership Initiative Fund (DPIF) in 2001. The objective of the project is to improve health status ensuring sustainable vegetable gardening development activities/production. 160 trained women beneficiaries and a team of 5 trained skilled members among of them 1 Experienced agriculturist are involved in implementing the project. The beneficiaries implementing the project have been provided necessary vegetable seeds and fertilizer and they are assisted by the team of experienced trained staff of Srizony Foundation as on their need in implementing the project smoothly. The project completed in 2002


Integrated Food and Nutrition Programme (IFNP):


Srizony Foundation started the Nutrition Programme in 1995 by the funding support of MENSEN IN NOOD Netherlands aiming at improving the nutritional status of mother and children in the project area through food security and nutrition improvement-related activities. Now it has been entitled as Integrated Food and Nutrition Programme and supported by CORD AID. The program covered 20 villages of one Upazila under the Jhenaidah district.  With a view to strengthening nutrition services, Srizony Foundation has given emphasis in educating the mothers of the targeted children on nutrition and hygienic issues. Moreover, if necessary, basic medical treatment is also provided to the mothers and their children and other members of their families. In fact, every individual will be able to become healthy and happy. Up to this period a total of 731, kitchen gardens have been established by the targeted people of this project with the technical assistance of Srizony Foundation experienced trained staff. First of all, groups are organized with the targeted mother of the children. Up to this period, a total of 53 groups compromising of 824 group members are organized and a total of savings amounting Tk. 6,99,451/= accumulated by them. The group members organized weekly meetings regularly and accumulated their weekly savings in due time. Nutritious and hygienic activities are performed through group meetings. Besides it Srizony Foundation provides credit support to the group members to overcome their acute poverty and to change their food habits through establishing kitchen gardening. During the physical year, a total of Tk 28,61,000 has been disbursed among group members for undertaking and operating income-generating activities including homestead vegetable gardening. The project completed in 2001

Integrated Pest Management Project:


Srizony Foundation has started to implement the IPM Project (2001- 2005) in the Jhenidah district by the financial and Technical assistance of Cotton IPM, CDB-FAO-EU. The objective of the program is to sustainable profitable and environmentally sound production of cotton in the project area through the development, promotion and productivity of IPM by farmers, GOB, and Srizony Foundation staff. The project includes staff development training, farmer to farmer studies on exposure and the health effects of pesticides as a baseline of measure the impact the community Integrated Pest Management.


Partnership in Agricultural Research Extension Programme:


This program was started in 1995 by the technical support of the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). Through this program, 125 vegetable cultivation plots were established, 5 fish ponds were re-excavated and Soybean was cultivated in 72 acres of land. 168 families of the project are engaged in fish cultivation, poultry rearing, and livestock production. The project completed in 1998


Adarsha Gram Project-II

Srizony Foundation has been implementing this Adarsha Gram Project-II by the technical & financial support of the European Union & Ministry of Land, Government of Bangladesh since May 2004. This project is covered with a total of 22 Adarsha Grams in 1) Jessore, (2) Kushtia, (3) Chuadanga (4) Khulna (5) Bagerhat (6) Sariatpur (7) Jamalpur (8) Netrokona (9) Sunamgonj. The beneficiaries of this project are the settlers of Adarsha Gram Project-II. The objectives of this project are to alleviate poverty and socio-economic development for the poor, helpless & landless people living in the Adrasha Grams through various Social Development components including tree plantation and vegetable cultivation. The project completed in 2006



Marketing feasibility studies are made and justified the demand of agriculture products. Initially, agro-products are supplied to local and city markets from villages. The husbands of women beneficiaries assist women for marketing their products. On the other hand, there are many loonie van pullers in the project area. Beneficiaries use those vans for carrying their goods in a regular basis. Some of the van pullers are involved in small trade. Some often also purchase these seeds, seedlings, and saplings for their business purposes.


Agriculture Development Components:

  1. Improved extension services;
  2. Partnership agriculture research;
  3. Partnership seeds development;
  4. Homestead gardening establishment;
  5. Livestock development;
  6. Special area development;
  7. Productive infrastructure;


Agriculture Training Related Activities:


As Srizony Foundation has been working on a sustainable agriculture development program, the organization is experienced enough with its skilled and trained staff of agriculture. All sorts of skill training with necessary inputs for sustainable agriculture development program have been provided to the concerned staff. Srizony Foundation has its own residential training center and several training materials including agriculture and nutrition training modules with its own training packages like- flip charts, posters, leaflet whiteboard, blackboard etc.


#        Training Facilities:


Training Center:


No. of Trainer  06
Male  04
Female  02


Description No./Quantity
v   Television 02
v  Video Projector 02
v  OSP 02
v   Over Head Projector (OHP) 01
v   Hand Mike 02
v   Cassette Player 01
v   Camera 02
v   VCR 01
v   Telephone 01
v   Wooden Table 10
v   Wooden Chair 50
v   Cot 60
v   Steel Box 03
v   White Board 02
v   VIPP Board 03
v   Bedding 60 Sets


#        List of Agriculturist:


Sl. No. Name Designation Working Station Qualification
1. Md. Abul Khair Agriculturist Head office Diploma in Agriculture
2. Md. Robiul Islam Agriculturist Head Office Diploma in Agriculture
3. Md. Mostofa kamal Agriculturist Field Office at Shariatpur Diploma in Agriculture
4. Mitesh Mohon Ray Agriculturist Field Office at Khulna Diploma in Agriculture



#        Area Coverage under an ongoing agriculture program:


Sl. No. District Upazila
1. Jhenaidah Jhenaidah Sadar






2. Kushtia Kushtia Sadar




3. Magura Magura Sadar



4. Jessore Jessore Swadar





5. Chuadanga Chuadanga sadar


6. Meherpur Meherpur Sadar
7. Rajbari Rajbari sadar


8. Faridpur Faridpur sadar


9. Satkhira Satkhira sadar


10. Pabna Iswardiu
11. Narail narail sadar

